Our Story... Our Inspiration...

At Eternal Living, we strive to bring products based on Natural Ayurvedic Ingredients. A lot of the times, it requires simple natural and effective remedies for the problems we suffer on a daily basis. Our quest for natural remedies got our attention towards Ayurveda which is very well known as “ The science of life.” We were overwhelmed by the information we found on this ancient old system of medicine which originated in Indian around 5000 years ago.


Believe it or not but this khichdi ( lentils and rice dish ) cult acted as a vehicle for our awakening and made us realise that “our body is precious and it needs to be treated with care”.

We started looking at the labels very carefully and found out the amount of chemicals like artificial fragrance, paraben, sulfates and silicones being used in the beauty and cosmetic industry which are one of the major factors that impact the hormones in our body. This imbalance in the hormones results in so many unwanted outcomes and Ayurveda is the answer to balance not only the hormones but it focuses on balancing the mind, body and spirit. This inspired us to start Eternal Living with a vision to bring hair, body and skin products based on Ayurvedic formulation and also provide knowledge about Ayurvedic lifestyle which is simple and easy to incorporate in our modern busy lifestyle. 

Namaste (Hello)

Eternal Living Team